Soft Launch of Malaysia Federasi Kebangsaan Pekerja Belia in conjunction with the celebration of Commonwealth Youth Work week in University Putra Malaysia
In conjunction with the celebration of Commonwealth Youth Work week, Federasi Kebangsaan Pekerja Belia (FKPB) founding committees successfully soft launched FKPB and it was witnessed by Dr Hanafiah Bin Ayub – Director of Sport Center of UPM at University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on 6th November 2016.
Federasi Kebangsaan Pekerja Belia (FKPB) is also known as Malaysia National Federation of Youth Work, is a non-profit youth worker federation in Malaysia and the purpose of FKPB is to promote the professionalisation of youth work by facilitating youth work education and training, setting competency standards, celebrating good practice, and advocating for national youth worker associations. In fact, youth work movement is a global trend now and it aims to helpyoung peopleto reachtheir full potential.It encourages personal development, autonomy, initiative and participation in society.
FKPB is important because it gives accreditation and facilitates the work performed by qualified youth workers in Malaysia. Generally, a youth worker helps young people develop the skills to make positive changes in their lives. Often, they provide specific services to youth with particular problems. Services might include education, training, employment, or counselling. A youth worker may also perform outreach work, run a community education and recreation program for local or federal governments, or advocate for young people on issues such as health, social care, unemployment and etc.
Together with Professor Azimi bin Hamzah – Professor at Faculty of Education UPM and Dr Tengku Fadilah Binti Tengku Kamalden – Head of Faculty of Education Studies in MBM Terus Terang Youth Speak-Out Dialog session with the youth work theme “Empowering young people through sport and arts”.
FKPB soft launch in conjunction with Commonwealth youth work week – FKPB committees in photos from left to right, Nurul Huda Mohamed Afandi, Jufitri Joha, Hasnul Haniff, Dr Hanafiah Bin Ayub (Director of Sport Center in University Putra Malaysia), Mohamad Rizan Hassan, Nicholas Tan Check Foong and Thai Ming Yeow
FKPB soft launch in conjunction with Commonwealth youth work week – FKPB commitees in photos from left to right, Nurul Huda Mohamed Afandi, Jufitri Joha, Mohamad Rizan Hassan, Hasnul Haniff, Thai Ming Yeow and Nicholas Tan Check Foong
FKPB youth work dialog in conjunction with Commonwealth youth work week, theme “Empowering young people through sport and arts” – FKPB commitees in photos from left to right, Thai Ming Yeow, Nicholas Tan Check Foong, Dr Tengku Fadilah Binti Tengku Kamalden, Jufitri Joha, Professor Azimi bin Hamza, Mohamad Rizan Hassan, Hasnul Haniff, Nurul Huda Mohamed Afandi and FKPB staffs.