Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM) menggesa masyarakat dunia mengekspresikan secara jelas solidariti, dokongan dan sokongan kepada perjuangan rakyat Palestin terhadap konflik yang kian memuncak di antara Palestin dan Israel di Semenanjung Gaza.
Dunia perlu mengakui, dasar kezaliman rejim Israel terhadap rakyat Palestin selama lebih 70 tahun menjadi punca konflik ini termasuk ‘Operasi Taufan Al-Aqsa”.
Penjajahan berterusan, peluasan penempatan haram dan penafian hak kemanusiaan Palestin serta provokasi bersistematik di Al-Aqsa menyebabkan jutaan nyawa rakyat Palestin terkorban.
Justeru, MBM mewakili suara belia Malaysia membuat ketetapan bahawa;
1) Menggesa campur tangan segera dari Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) bagi melindungi nyawa orang awam yang tidak berdosa serta memainkan peranan proaktif menghentikan serangan ini;
2) Masyarakat dunia perlu memperakui dan mempertahankan hak rakyat Palestin dan kedaulatan tanah air mereka. Rakyat Palestin berhak hidup aman berdasarkan persempadanan yang diiktiraf pra-1967;
3) Hak kemanusiaan perlu dipertahankan khususnya golongan wanita, kanak-kanak dan warga emas;
4) Menggesa pemimpin-pemimpin utama dunia untuk terus memberikan tekanan kepada rejim Zionis melalui perundingan saluran diplomasi PBB serta menyatakan sokongan penuh kepada rakyat Palestin.
Kerajaan Malaysia melalui Wisma Putra juga telah menyatakan solidari bersama Palestin. Sehubungan itu, MBM menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan kaum untuk sama-sama bersatu nyatakan sokongan kepada rakyat Palestin atas dasar kemanusiaan sejagat.
Marilah kita memberikan semangat solidariti kepada rakyat Palestin yang diuji dengan kesusahan dan penderitaan dahsyat ini.
Setiausaha Agung
Majlis Belia Malaysia
Bertarikh : 9 Oktober 2023
The Malaysian Youth Council (MBM) urges the world community to clearly express solidarity, and support for the struggles of the Palestinian people against the conflict that is escalating between Palestine and Israel in the Gaza Strip.
The world needs to admit that the Israeli regime’s cruelty and apartheid oppression against the Palestinian people for more than 70 years is the cause of this conflict, including ‘Operation Typhoon Al-Aqsa’.
The continued occupation and expansion of illegal settlements and the disavowal of Palestinian human rights as well as the systemic provocation in Al-Aqsa has caused the loss of millions of Palestinian lives.
Hence, as MBM represents the aspiration of Malaysian youth, urged that;
1) The immediate intervention by the United Nations (UN) to protect the lives of innocent civilians and to play a proactive role in stopping these attacks now;
2) The world community needs to recognize, rectify and defend the rights of the Palestinian people and the sovereignty of their homeland. The Palestinian people have the right to live in peace based on the pre-1967 rectified borders;
3) Human rights must be defended and restored, especially on women, children and the elderly;
4) To urged, the world leaders to continue weigh pressure to Zionist Regime through UN diplomatic channels and expressed full solidarity and support for the Palestinian People.
The Malaysian government through Wisma Putra has also expressed solidarity with Palestine. Accordingly, MBM calls on all Malaysians regardless of religion, race and ethnicity to unite and express full support for the Palestinian people on the basis of universal humanity.
Let us together unite and give a spirit of solidarity to the Palestinian people who are being tested by this terrible hardship and affliction.
Secretary General
Malaysian Youth Council
Date : 9th October 2023