Kuala Lumpur 1 April – The coffee session TN50 was held at Bens Coffee House, in Bangsar Shopping Center on the 31st March 2017. There were 17 attendees comprise of youths, entrepreneurs, and leaders of their own fields. It was certainly an insightful discussion where it involved topics, including the clusters mentioned in terms of education, sports, technology, and national issues.
- Stigma within parents in terms of helping their children to choose certain type of study or major needs to be changed as every study/major would provide great opportunities for success
- Marginalized youths future of education need to be catered too as these group will be the future generationof the country
- Single stream education system needs to be established
- The government is encouraged to look into young graduates to provide them with better employment opportunities in terms of varifying the job market
- The exposure on the 3D jobs or skilled jobs need to be emphasized as it is important to know that one day we do not need to be depend on foreign labor.
- Based on this discussion, many of them believe that you should take politics out of sports, only then you will see progress in Malaysian sports as a whole.
- In terms of harnessing new talent, many new sports programs need to intensified and managed right to create better future for sports in Malaysia
- In terms of technology and our lifestyle, it is very important that the country focusses on development within technology and research and development.
- The digital media and technology and advancement is key for the future of the country as we head to 2050.
National Issues
- National issues that were focussed on were race, and unity
- It is a close to heart matter for most of the attendees of this coffee session as they believed that Malaysians should be united regardless of race and religion, hence they urge the government to continue to focus on 1Malaysia and instilling that for the future of our country