Idzham Haqim Mat Rasid
Secretary of International Affairs & SDG Bureau
Malaysian Youth Council
Malaysian Youth Council (MYC) wholly supports the International Criminal Court (ICC) to prosecute war crimes committed within the Palestinian territory, namely West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This is a step in the right direction to establish justice and is a sign of hope for the Palestinians who were brutally mistreated by the Israeli occupation.
Despite Israel’s refusal to sign the Rome Statute, it is imperative that it allows for full cooperation with the ICC in the name of human rights, rights that Israel continuously violate till this day. Such rights defined within the ICC applies to every single individual no matter race, nationality, gender nor religion and as a progressive society these rights are ought to be upheld and fought for. With this, the days where perpetrators of war crimes running amok are numbered.
Date: 10th February 2021