KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Youth Council (MBM) has expressed concern over the unregulated sale of sex toys and cigarettes online including on popular e-commerce platforms.
MBM president Jufitri Joha said it had received numerous complaints from the public on the matter and said cigaratte traders were also found openly promoting their products online.
“As the entire country faces the continued threat posed by the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, many Malaysians have opted to making online purchases. They include tobacco related products and sex toys, which have become widespread in recent times.
Jufitri said sale of tobacco and tobacco-related products were regulated by law.
He said the Tobacco Products Controlled Rules (PPKHT 2004) issued by the Health Ministry stated that any publication, broadcast and announcement concerning such products and brands were prohibited, and sale of tobacco products online was also prohibited under Rule 10A of PPKHT 2004.
“We hope relevant authorities can put a stop to this,” he said, urging relevant authorities and government ministries, such as Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) and The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to take firm action.
“MBM views this matter seriously as the online platform is accessible by everybody especially the youth,” he said.
Full article: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2020/11/642239/mbm-voices-concern-over-cigarettes-sex-toys-sold-online