Global Goals Summit at Le Quadri Hotel, Cheras

27 July 2019 | Kuala Lumpur

Global Goals Summit at Le Quadri Hotel, Cheras.

The inaugural Global Goals Summit was hosted by JCI Malaysia, in collaboration with UCSI as Venue Host.

Malaysia Youth Council (MBM) as Strategic Partner was represented by its Vice President Nurul-Huda Mohamed Afandi, who helped to connect the Organising Committee to United Nations, UCSI and MBM affiliates as speakers for the event.

The summit opened with a message from the Guest of Honor, YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs cum Ex-MBM President, followed with the official launch ceremony.

Keynote Speaker, Mr. Niels Knudsen, Deputy Resident Coordinator of UNDP shared an overview of UNSDGs and the work that has been done in Malaysia by the UN team together with various government agencies.

The next session focused on peace, featuring a presentation by Tan Sri Dr Omar Abdul Rahman, UCSI Council Member, and Mr Ahmad Fahmi Samsuddin, CEO of Global Peace Mission Malaysia and Vice President of ABIM Pusat. The Tan Sri Omar Harmony Award was also launched on the day.

Next was the National Partnership Forum featuring speakers namely Prof. Dato Dr Aileen Teh from USM, Mr Adrian from ECoat, Ms Kellysha from Girl Guides and Mr Adha Fikri from Scouts shared on the work they have undertaken to help advance the SDGs.
The day ended with a JCI Active Citizen FrameWorkshop.

The summit was attended by students from various institutions, academic staff, JCI members, partners and other youth organisation members from various countries. This summit was a great initiative to instill the awareness on UNSDGs amongst the youth and to inspire them to create positive change in the world.





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