Happy: Simple Steps to Get the Most Out of Life

Title: Happy: Simple Steps to Get the Most Out of Life Categories: Falsafah & Psikologi No Perolehan: 000255 Authors: Ian K. Smith ISBN: 9780312606350 Publisher: St. Martin’s Press Publication date: 2010 Edition: 1st ed. Number of pages: 232 Language: English Rating: Description: In “Happy”, Ian Smith presents a program that motivates readers to understand the […]
Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently

Title: Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently Categories: Falsafah & Psikologi No Perolehan: 000248 Authors: Marcus Buckingham ISBN: 9780718026752 Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publication date: 2009 Edition: 1st ed. Number of pages: 280 Language: English Rating: Description: Packed with research, practical advice, examples, and testimonials, Find Your Strongest Life […]
Bakat & Kemahiran Memimpin

Title: Bakat & Kemahiran Memimpin Categories: Falsafah & Psikologi No Perolehan: 000033 Authors: Ainon Mohd. & Abdullah Hassan ISBN: 9789833589523 Publisher: PTS Professional Publication date: 2011 Number of pages: 133 Language: Bahasa Melayu Rating: Description: Mereka berkata “Ya!” sebelum kita bersuara. Kuasai gaya memimpin serba boleh pada setiap masa dan keadaan. Dalami seni membina pasukan […]