Entrants under 18 years old must have parental/guardian approval to enter this contest
PLEASE SEND COMPLETED FORM TO photoendurance@belia.org.my or fax 03-9173 2761 / 64
Entry Form – Registration Dateline (24th May 2015)
Date : 23nd – 24th May 2015 (Saturday – Sunday)
Time : 08:00hr ~ 22:00hr
Venue : Persiaran Perdana, Putrajaya (Festival Belia Putrajaya 2015)
INDEMNITY By submiting this registration form, you are deemed to have read the rules and regulations governing this event and hereby, agree to abide by them. You further indemnify the organisers and their representatives/sponsors connected with this event against any injury, accident or death and damage/loss incurred to the vehicle however caused arising out of taking part in this event. You are further deemed to declare that the vehicle entered is covered by insurance with a valid road tax as required under the laws of Malaysia.
Indemnity Declaration
- I participate in this event on my free will and at my own risk.
- I have read the rules and regulations governing this competition and hereby, agree to abide by them.
- I also agree to indemnity Majlis Belia Malaysia and Festival Belia Putrajaya 2015 against any claim made by any party arising from any act or omission on my part in connection with this event.
- I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of this competition as briefed by the event’s organizer and will not dispute their decision on all competition-related matters.
- I do also consent to the reproduction and publication of any photographs taken of me at the competition by the organizer of the event.
Terms & Conditions:
- This competition is opened to the public and all nationalities are welcomed to participate.
- Participants must abide by the competition rules.
- Participants under the age of 18 must obtain parental/legal guardian consent by filling in the consent column within the entry form.
- All participants must sign the indemnity declaration in the entry form.
- Participants are required to download and fill-up the entry form with indemnity declaration and parent/legal guardian consent (for under 18).
- The organiser reserves the right to use any submitted photographs for publicity purposes without consent and compensation to the photographers.
- The organiser reserves the right to disqualify any participant who has infringed any of the competition rules.
- All decisions by the organisers and competition judges are final. No queries will be entertained.
- By taking part in the MBM Photo Endurance, participants are deemed to have acknowledged that the organiser is indemnified against any accidents or injuries or damage/loss incurred in the course of the event.
- Malaysia Youth Council (Majlis Belia Malaysia) reserves the right to amend or modify the terms and conditions of the contest as required, wherein adequate notification and announcement on the changes will be made known to the entrants through their official website.
The Participants
- Minimum number of person in a team is 2 pax and maximum is 4 pax.
- All participants must wear the MBM apparel during the entire event (Festival Belia Putrajaya 2015). T-shirt will be given out to participants.
- Participants are required to read the questions carefully and capture the photos as required in the questions.
- Participants are required to report at 09:00hrs on the registration day at the venue.
- Participants may use any form of transport during the photo hunt.
- All participants are required to come prepared with all their photographic equipment & accessories like camera, lenses, spare batteries, additional memory cards, etc. The organiser does not provide photographic equipment/accessories for this event.
- Participants are required to bring along their NRIC or passport and the entry form with indemnity declaration/guardian consent for registration. Failure to do so will result in disqualification of the participant.
The Photos
- Photos must be taken on the day of event (FBP2015 – 23rd – 24th May, 2015). Participants who submit images taken on other times/days shall be disqualified.
- Make sure the DATE in your camera is set correctly – 23rd – 24th May 2015.
- Images must be taken in the highest resolution (JPEG) available in the camera.
- Participants may use any type of digital camera to shoot photographs for this photo hunt.
- Storage format accepted are CF & SD cards. Participants using other formats must supply their own relevant adaptors or transfer medium. The organisers shall not be held responsible for the inability to read/transfer the images.
- Photos must be taken within the stipulated areas (refer to guide/map provided).
- Only JPEG format is accepted. Photos must be submitted in JPEG format (conversion software for raw files will not be provided).
- Answers in RAW files shall be disqualified.
- Images must not be altered with any image editing software. Basic in-camera editing like cropping, brightness, contrast and level are acceptable. Exif data must be retained in the file.
The Submission
- At the end of the hunt, participants must submit their answers in image files.
- Participants must select their answer images and write the file names on the submission form provided.
- Participants must proceed to the Submission Counter for images TRANSFER at MBM PHOTO ENDURANCE BOOTH.
- Participants must fill up the submission form with the file names and personal identification details.
- Line up in an orderly manner and pass to the designated submission counter.
- Remember to pre-select your images before going to the submission counter.
- Participants must submit their own photos personally, no proxies allowed.
- While every care is taken to prevent any damage, the organiser shall not be held responsible for any loss of images/data or damage to memory card during the transfer process.
- Time for SUBMISSION of images will be informed through the programme.
The Criteria
- All photographs will be judged on the following key criteria:
- Correctness of the answer to question
- Creativity in the theme interpretation
- Composition of photographs
- Use of colours/lights/shadows
- All photos must be taken on the day of photo endurance events, which is from 23rd to 24th May, 2015.
- All entries must be submitted within the stipulated time, else points will be deducted.
- In the event of a tie, tie breakers will be applied and these will be made known at the briefing.
- To be eligible for the Grand Prize, participants must complete all questions on time.
- The participant that scores the highest number of points and less penalty points incurred will be declared the winner and all subsequent positions will be determined on the same basis.
- Winners will be announced on the last day of the event (FBP2015) 24th May 2015. Winners are required to be present to receive their prizes on the spot.